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bribe \/brab\/ vt. 贿赂

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第62章 bribe brab vt. 贿赂

officials are turning to ever more sophisticated and stringent measures. this year, the state of west bengal installed internet jammers near schools in many districts. It also put cctV cameras in exam halls and insisted students trade in their face masks for fresh ones provided by the school. more basic methods are also used: in 2019, a school in Karnataka, in the south, forced students to wear cardboard boxes over their heads—cut open on one side—to foil cheating.


stringent \/'str?n(d)?(?)nt\/ adj.严格的

insist \/?n's?st\/ vi.坚决要求

cardboard \/'kɑ?db??d\/ n.硬纸板

foil \/f?il\/ vt.阻止




It also put cctV cameras in exam halls and insisted students trade in their face masks for fresh ones provided by the school.


这一句语法上不难,需要注意的是其中的单词用法。cctV不是指“中央电视台”,而是 closed circuit television的缩写,即“闭路电视”。insisted students trade in...是insist that somebody do something的用法。

students trade in their face masks for fresh ones 这里是trade in A for b的用法,意思是“将A换成b”,ones指代前面的masks,provided是过去分词作后置定语,修饰ones.

Yet even as officials e up with novel ideas, so do the cheats. In February, a medical student at mahatma Gandhi memorial college in Indore, a small city, was caught with a skin-coloured bluetooth device surgically implanted in his ear. A phone linked to the device was sewn into a secret trouser pocket. Last year, ten students taking a trainee-teacher exam were arrested for attempting to use bluetooth gadgets concealed in the soles of their flip-flops. At least 25 students had bought such footwear from a gang for 600,000 rupees ($7,700) a pair. It is often mandatory for students to remove shoes and socks before exams. parents, too, sometimes help with the cheating. In 2015 dozens of them scaled the outside of a five-storey building to pass answers to their schoolchildren taking crucial year-end exams inside. hundreds, including parents, were arrested and at least 750 students expelled.


novel \/'n?v(?)l\/ adj.新颖的

surgical \/'s??d??k(?)l\/ adj.手术的

implant \/?m'plɑ?nt\/ vt.(手术中)植入

sew \/s??\/ v.缝纫

conceal \/k?n'si?l\/ vt.隐藏

sole \/s??l\/ n.鞋底

flip-flop \/'flipfl?p\/ n.人字拖

footwear \/'f?twe?\/ n.鞋类

gang \/g??\/ n.团伙

rupee \/ru?'pi?\/ n.卢比

mandatory \/'m?nd?t(?)r?\/ adj.强制的

scale \/ske?l\/ vt.攀爬

expel \/?k'spel\/ vt.开除





In February, a medical student at mahatma Gandhi memorial college in Indore, a small city, was caught with a skin-coloured bluetooth device surgically implanted in his ear.


句子主干是:a medical student was caught

a small city是同位语,用于修饰前面的Indore,with a skin-coloured bluetooth device 是介词短语作状语,surgically implanted in his ear是过去分词作后置定语,修饰a skin-coloured bluetooth device。

the problem may be with the education system itself, rather than any innate dishonesty among students. teachers receive low salaries and can be bribed to help or turn a blind eye. Schools care about pass rates. Learning revolves around memorisation rather than understanding or reasoning. outes are poor. Exams requiring thought rather than regurgitation would be harder to memorise, says ms Sinha. the quality of education would improve, too. the Indian government is mulling changes to the way it assesses students at higher levels. Until then, the cat-and-mouse game between students and invigilators is doomed to continue.


innate \/?'ne?t\/ adj.先天的

dishonesty \/d?s'?n?st?\/ n.不诚实

bribe \/bra?b\/ vt.贿赂

reasoning \/'ri?z(?)n??\/ n.推理

regurgitate \/r?'g??d??te?t\/ n.(不加思考地)重复

mull \/m?l\/ vt.仔细考虑

invigilator \/in'vid?ileit?\/ n.监考者

doomed \/du:md\/ adj.注定的




the Indian government is mulling changes to the way it assesses students at higher levels.


句子主干为:the Indian government is mulling changes,to the way...为介词短语作为后置定语修饰changes,the way it assesses students at higher levels为定语从句,先行词为the way,省略了关系代词that,相当于the way (that) it assesses students at higher levels.

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