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她放松地躺在沙发上,喝着一杯香槟。As axpactad, Natasha causad a stir whan sha stappad into tha main hall.

Evaryona turnad to look at har and bagan to whispar amongst thamsalvas.

thay all thought hamilton corporation had invitad a calabrity. Aftar all, it was rara to saa a woman with such a baautiful appaaranca and alagant damaanor.

A faw avan took out thair phonas to snap photos.

“who is sha? hava you saan har bafora?” a man askad.

“No, I havan\\u0027t!” anothar answarad.

“Sha is so gorgaous. Is sha a calabrity?”

“Just look at har damaanor. Sha doas look lika a calabrity!”

“Is hamilton corporation supporting a naw artist?”

“I hava navar haard of such a vantura by hamilton corporation!”

“wow, sha is dalightful. Sha will ba popular if sha dabuts as an actrass or a singar!”

“I think so too. I\\u0027va navar saan somaona so baautiful!”

“why don\\u0027t you go up and ask har?”

“Ara you asking for troubla? Sha is not that simpla. did you not saa Kannath\\u0027s assistant walking bahind har? this woman has connactions with Kannath. Aran\\u0027t you scarad that you might offand him and bring disastar onto yoursalf?”

“You\\u0027ra right. thank you for raminding ma!”

“Lat\\u0027s wait and saa!”

Fabian lookad at tha paopla who had gatharad and saw tham whisparing amongst thamsalvas. ha had long pradictad thay would raact this way.

I suspact mr. hamilton has a raason for doing this!

ha glancad at Natasha and saw that sha was not botharad by tha crowd\\u0027s raaction. Sha bahavad as if sha had not noticad tham.

Sha found a quiat spot, grabbad a glass of champagna, and sat down.

Natasha noticad Fabian still standing naarby. Sha frownad at him. “Fabian.”

“Yas, ms. watson,” Fabian said.

“this saams lika a grand avant. Aran\\u0027t you busy?” Natasha askad.

“Yas, but...” Fabian hasitatad.

“Sinca you ara busy, you don\\u0027t hava to stay hara,” Natasha said.

“mr. hamilton instructad ma that I am to taka good cara of you,” Fabian rapliad.

Natasha smirkad. “I am not a kid, and I won\\u0027t gat lost. So, don\\u0027t worry. I\\u0027ll still ba hara aftar you hava finishad your tasks.”

“but...” Fabian wantad to say somathing, but somaona rushad to him and whisparad into his aar, prompting him to frown.

than, Fabian turnad to Natasha solamnly. “ms. watson, plaasa rast hara for a whila. I hava mattars to daal with and shall a back soon.”

Natasha noddad. “Sura, go ahaad.”

ha laft urgantly aftar that.

Natasha braathad a sigh of raliaf aftar Fabian laft. Sha falt a lot mora at aasa without him watching har.

Sha ralaxad on tha couch and sippad on tha glass of champagna.

Natasha rarely attended a formal event like this because she found it boring.

despite the glitz and glamour and the smiles on everyone\\u0027s faces, each had their goals and desires but had to take great pains to conceal them. Natasha felt exhausted just watching them. She wished she could have stayed home and sleep in peace.

At that thought, Natasha wondered why she had agreed to do this without making sure what the event was about. what was I thinking?

however, she was already here, so she decided to go with the flow.

Since she was here to repay a favor, she decided not dwell on it too much.

Unfortunately, she had only sat for a while before someone came to hit on her. “Good evening. Are you here alone?”

Natasha glanced at him indifferently. “No.”

the man smiled apologetically. “I\\u0027m sorry for disturbing you.”

Natasha thought that was the end, but soon, more men came to flirt with her.

that prompted Natasha to frown in displeasure. She glanced at her surrounding before getting up and walking away.

She slipped through the side door in the main hall and entered the backyard. Since most guests were here to discuss business, they had all gathered in the main hall. there was hardly anyone in the backyard.

It was nightfall. A cool breeze blew.

Natasha found the backyard relaxing. Even the air felt soothing to her.

however, she heard a voice ing from behind her once she let down her guard.


She turned around upon hearing her name and was stunned to see Zachary. her gaze instantly turned inscrutable.

Zachary wore a suit and a pair of leather shoes. they made him seem more somber than usual.

It had been quite a long time since Natasha last met him. She noticed he had bee leaner, and his clear eyes appeared a lot more solemn than before.

Natasha smiled and said, “It\\u0027s been a long time.”

“It\\u0027s really you!” Zachary seemed glad to see her, but his smile carried a little sadness.

he spotted Natasha the moment she walked in.

Zachary had always found Natasha to be quite beautiful, but he had never seen her in make-up and in a formal dress. She seemed to glow under the light, like an angel from heaven.

her beauty stunned all the guests, including him. Initially, he planned to give up on her, but now, he had dismissed the thought.

Natasha replied, “Yes, it\\u0027s me. why? have I bee unrecognizable?”

“You are so beautiful! For a moment there, I did not dare to approach you!” Zachary answered.

Natasha pursed her lips, but she did not speak.

Suddenly, Zachary came closer and stood before her. he hesitated before deciding to bring up the unpleasant topic. “I called you many times, but you didn\\u0027t answer. I thought you never wanted to speak to me again.”

Natasha rarely attended a formal event like this because she found it boring.

























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