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大家在看曼陀罗妖精 动漫之后宫之旅 我成仙帝后,带着无上修为回来了 四合院之何雨柱轮回从51年开始 四合院:想算计养老?那不可能 四合院:诸天人生 首辅娇妻有空间 斗破:多子多福,我打造最强家族 四合院之我也来凑热闹 四合院:54开局,悟性逆天 
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第109章 制卡师

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Yun Feixue explained.

\"this is a bloodline pill, which can greatly develop the potential in the body of demon beasts and promote their growth.\"

\"You can exchange some ninth-order bloodline pills later, and feed the demon pets with this, and their strength will grow rapidly.\"

Gu hua nodded, it seems that he really has to exchange some bloodline pills after this.

\"oh, by the way, one more thing.\" , Saying that, Yun Feixue took out three brand new uniforms from his storage crystal card and handed them to the three.

\"this is the uniform of our Shanhai Academy, which has the function of automatic cleaning, and it is not invaded by fire and water, as long as you are still in Shanhai Academy, you can't take it off.\"

\"that's all, then you rest tonight, tomorrow I will take you to see master wang, and let master wang guide you on how to choose your major.\"

Saying that, he ignored the three and directly took the small coal into his villa.

Seeing Yun Feixue walking away, Gu hua relaxed.

\"Junior Sister xiao mengmeng, Junior brother xiao Yueyue, I will rest first for my brother, see you tomorrow.\"

Gu hua pretended for a moment, and then walked into his villa with his back hand.

\"depend, what kind of senior brother are you, and call me xiao Yueyue evil is not disgusting.\" Ji Jiangyue's mouth was unforgiving, and he plained.

but in fact, after Gu hua beat himself up, he also noticed that Gu hua's strength was good, especially spiritual power and martial arts

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站内强推洛公子 艳海风波 浪漫官途 福艳之都市后宫 风流太子后宫 曼陀罗妖精 大唐艳情录 覆雨大唐之无限风流 御女天下 肥水不流外人田 乡野村医 末世天灾,囤满亿万物资苟住 小村长的幸福生活 四神集团2·老婆,跟我回家 死囚营:杀敌亿万,我成神了! 这个巫族有点稳 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 锦衣卫:开局佛道双修,横压当世 西游之泾河龙王 洪荒夺美记 
经典收藏都市极乐后后宫 豪门风流秘史 浪漫官途 穿越大周 美人沟 曼陀罗妖精 瘦不了 导演的快乐你不懂 我私房钱被老婆直播曝光了 港综:东南亚无冕之王 我成仙帝后,带着无上修为回来了 进击在名侦探柯南 洛杉矶神探 绝品桃花命 四合院:活在火红的年代 最狂兵王 高武:灵气复苏后我晒太阳就变强 我的1995小农庄 失业后,被宝藏女孩捡回家 亿万双宝:腹黑妈咪很抢手 
最近更新年代,小医生的精彩人生 老子言出法随,你们拿什么跟我斗 蓝道千门 萧暮的爱情之旅 君浩传奇 龙王苏醒,美女总裁求领证 华娱:从小导演开始 拿下女神我就能成为神豪 恶蝶 房地产的葬礼第一部 山河迷醉 高武:无限进化,我以肉身成神 重生1999,开局去摆摊卖鱼干 百倍返现:我躺平,心安理得 重生婴儿,妈妈送我上道观 人间政道 开局先天圣体,从制裁校霸开始 反派弃子杀疯了,天命主角全跪了 我创造万物,将带领国家穿梭诸天 十封帝尊重现 
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